Flexi Plywood Features: It is carpenter friendly, easy on tools and excellent screws and nails holding capacity. It is made of kiln seasoned and chemically treated durable species of timbers only. It has a warp free smooth Surface, free from Corrugation and gaps. It is dimensionally Stable and highly resistant to termites and other wood-destroying organisms. Usage: Essential where bowed or curved shapes are required. Technical Specification: Sl. No. Tests Parameters 1. Thickness 4 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm 2. Composition Dipterocarpus species. Hot Pressed with thermosetting BWR Grade Adhesive 3. Density 0.75 gm/cc 4. Bending Radius4 mm6 mm8 mm 3600up to 7 cm, radiusup to 10 cm, radiusup to 12 cm, radius 5. Direction of Flexibility Cross Grain along with Contact Information: Call for Help: +91 7501386290 +91 7501386291 Mail for information: Swadeshplywoods@gmail.com Swadeshply.mkt@gmail.com Submit Form: First name* Last name* Select a subject to get help*Select a subjectSuccess fullfillStartUp businessLeadership workBusiness Growth Your mail address* Message* Submit now